Modernisation of critical communication infrastructure of Municipal Police
The Bratislava Municipal Police (MsP) are aware that the future of improving the quality of services lies in the organisation’s preparedness for the digitalisation of the 21st century.
Safety on our city streets can be enhanced with new technology and innovations. The transition to data communication between the police forces will create ideal conditions for improved awareness, the ability to respond more promptly and to resolve arising situations.
The voice communication currently in use does not allow data-sharing between the MsP units. In future, there is a need to resolve the availability of the currently implemented CRM system of the MsP and to provide a platform delivering a combination of voice and data exchange in one device for better performance and efficient data exchange.
Technical solutions
- Creation of 4G LTE private mobile network – supporting MCPTT, PTVideo, PTData for Mission Critical platforms.
- Establish device management on the MDM private network.
- Hardware for the task force – mobile phone under the category Mission Critical with accessories.
Hardware for operations centre – handset, dispatcher module. - Software for operations centre – management and coordination of response units.
- coverage scope,
- guarantee of functionality,
- back-up solution in event of failure,
- connection speed and quality,
- compatibility of accessories,
- data transmission,
- monitoring and tracking of patrols,
- data back-up.
SWOT analysis